6月30日まで 新規会員登録とパッケージ出品で 2000円割引クーポンプレゼント! ※無くなり次第終了 ご利用方法

Andrews Saulos Manjolo (SyStem_DesiGNeR) の提案実績



Andrews Saulos Manjolo
Andrews Saulos Manjolo (SyStem_DesiGNeR)

A games, web and desktop applications developer

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  • 個人

I am a 2D and 3D games, web and desktops applications developer and 3d artist(Blender3d). I have experience working with Python, Java, JavaScript, C#, SQL, Angular, HTML and CSS. As a self taught developer,
learning new skills is one of my skills. I am willing to learn new skills as required, that is if the given job is in a position to allow me the time. I will design and make website frontends, 2d or 3d games, as well as Python and JavaScript scripts.




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