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Sound effects for mobile app アプリの効果音作成 - ソングデザインカフェの提案


提案文 :
I am Sakashita Sayaka of Song Design Cafe.

I compose some kind of music like POPS.
I sell original music to customers who run company or shops.

Your offer is interesting for me!

So I apply for this competition.
I attached my sounds, please listen and judge these.

First second is no sound, actually these sounds have only two seconds.

【My appeal】
This sound is remembered easily and not make you feel bad even if you listen to it so often.

This sound's atmosphere is like worping space.

If you need some adjustment for these sounds, please let me know.

I am happy that if you like my sounds.

March 29 2021
Sakashita Sayaka

添付ファイル オリジナルファイルは関連ユーザーのみ閲覧できます

  • Sound1_SakashitaS...
  • Sound2_SakashitaS...
2021-03-29 13:12:50


ソングデザインカフェ (songdesigncafe)
個人 音楽クリエイター 東京都 実績 22

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